Just Grin and Bear It? The Deadline for Filing Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits and Why You Must Act Quickly

For whatever reason, many of us have been trained to act tough. If there is a problem, we’d rather not complain lest we stir up any more trouble. We teach our children to get up after crashes on their bicycles to face the road again; we want to instill in them the strength to weather life’s ups and downs. And though we may not say it out loud, a part of us, somewhere, reminds ourselves during tough times to Just Grin and Bear It. If not then we think don’t cause a scene, or I don’t want any trouble, or forgive and forget.

But some things in life are not forgivable. Transvaginal mesh is one of these.

Let’s look at some of the common complaints that surround Transvaginal mesh implantation and the eventual transvaginal mesh erosion that often follows.

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  • The need for multiple and costly revision surgeries that sometimes fail to remove the mesh entirely, causing severe vaginal scarring and protrusion of the mesh through the vagina.
  • Severe pain.
  • Some women find that they have to self-catheter for the rest of their lives in order to go to the restroom, causing these women severe discomfort and isolation due to the understandable inconvenience of having to identify where a bathroom is every place they go and be ready with a catheter.
  • A recurrence of the original problems that the Transvaginal Mesh was intended to fix – as in, the mesh did not even work.


In fact, there are alternative treatment options that could have been offered to women who underwent transvaginal mesh implantation for urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.  Even worse, women were not sufficiently warned of erosion; women were not told the details like this: they might have to self-catheterize after having vaginal tape implanted as part of a revision surgery. Who would have told them? Transvaginal mesh was marketed to doctors as an easy procedure with a device that came intact in a kit form – a simple solution. Only it wasn’t.

Transvaginal mesh should never have been used on women in the way that it was.

Transvaginal mesh was never tested for vaginal use and doctors were not warned of the potential complications.

Transvaginal Mesh is unforgivable.

There are many problems in life where the best solution might be to move on, to grin and bear it. This is not one of them. Transvaginal Mesh and the dangers that is causes begs for women and their families and loved ones to speak up against the suffering imposed on them by the mesh and subsequent surgeries.

The only problem is – time is running out to speak up.

If you had surgery for urinary incontinence or organ prolapse and are having the complications mentioned above, chances are Transvaginal mesh was used during your surgery.

To find out more and to start speaking up for what is right, contact the Transvaginal mesh lawyers at Baron and Budd for a free and completely confidential consultation. Your doctor will and should not get in trouble for your injuries – instead, we pursue the manufacturers of transvaginal mesh.

There is a statute of limitations that may limit many women from speaking up against transvaginal mesh. The best option for women who have been injured is to contact a qualified transvaginal mesh lawyer immediately to find out if they still have time to speak up.

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